September 10, 2013


Winter Squash is easily my favorite vegetable. You can make it sweet. You can make it savory. You can stuff it, stuff with it, turn into pie, roast it, mash it, you can even eat its seeds. It stores for months and makes a delicisous pizza (espeicially with pears, glazed onions, spinach and walnuts) and a mighty fine soup. I wouldn't want to ask for more!

The squashes are doing partiucularly well this season, so I thought I'd share some pictures.

Hopi Pale Grey, a large heirloom variety that is drought tolerant
Delicata, a small winter squash that is ever so sweet when roasted
Hubbard means huge squash
Sunshine, a mid sized squash with beautiful color and a good keeper
Sweet Meat, a favorite with thick delicious flesh
Buttercup, a sweet classic that is just oh so good!
Lemon Squash, an heirloom summer variety that is very prolific.