March 24,2013


This weekend several inspired and determined souls braved the chilling temperatures to participate in the Permaculture on the Edge workshop that Andrew and I hosted. Here are some images from the weekend.

On Saturday we went over the ecological foundations for permaculture, stategies for design, and techniques for learning how to grow food from the forest through observation and experimentation.

Our outdoor classroom
Observing the Forest
Resting on a fallen oak in Zone 5

On Sunday, we finished the 80ft long Hugelkulture bed. Many hands sure do make light work!

Adding logs to the hugel bed...
and adding more logs
Adding soil to the hugel bed...
...and adding more soil
Adding forest mulch after seeding
Placing sticks to hold the mulch
The finished hugel bed!
A job well done
An awesome team!

Thank you to all who helped make this weekend a success!