Febuary 10, 2013


Frank affectionating Willie...to no avail.

On the 2nd of February, a warm and sunny day here on the plateau, Miss Willamena was finally receptive to Sir Francis Bacon's sometimes gentle, sometimes not so gentle, pleadings for affection. After being housed together with Frankie for the whole month of January during which time Willie showed no interest in mating, the internal and external conditions were finally suitable to Willie for breeding.

The oestrus cycle for American Guinea Hogs is 21 days. So the cold or other environmental conditions may have stressed Willie to the point where she was not receptive despite ovulating.

Some suggest providing supplemental vitamin C to a pregnant sow, as Guinea Hogs do not have the enzyme to create their own vitamin C and prenant mamas need up to 3 times more to bring to term healthy piglets. Vegetables such as Brassicas and many fruits are high in vitamin C.

With the 3 month, 3 week, 3 day gestation period (~115 days), we shall be expecting piglets around May 28th!

Miss Willie